Event Details
Campfire & Singalong
This is our special event for August at Melville United Church 6pm to ?
6pm – Hotdogs, chips and a drink – drop a donation in the jar as you are able to help us achieve our goal for the Nano Bubbler Project.
6:45pm – Ingrid and Laura will sing us through popular campfire songs. They will be bringing along special performers too!
Tell your friends and neighbours…everyone is welcome! Sounds like a fun summer night!
Bring your own chair!
See you there!
Chicken BBQ
- Saturday September 7, 2024
- BBQ’d half chicken, bak’d potato, mix’d veggies, bak’d beans, coleslaw and pie for dessert!
- Warning…there will be really good food! You will leave very full!
- Tickets are selling…please get yours today
- Contact June 519-666-2787 to purchase your tickets
- eTransfer for tickets to webmaster@ivanpastoralcharge.ca (please include your name in comments)
- Saturday October 26, 2024 at 7pm
- Fundraiser to support church outreach activities.
- Take 3 & Company celebrate the music of Joni Mitchell, James Taylor and Carole King
- Advance $30
- At Door $35
- Tickets available through Glenn Dixon 519-872-4022 or Heather Greig 519-661-6859
- Ticket sales also through muconcert@gmail.com (please add your name and phone number in the etransfer comments.)
Floor Yoga
- Drop in every Wednesday and Thursday 9am-10:30am for $5pp. Come when you are able through the summer.
- Peter Taylor leads us through 1 ½ hrs of floor yoga in our beautiful newly renovated century old church.
Chair Yoga
- Drop in every Sunday 1pm-2pm for $5pp starting in September (start date TBA). Come when you are able.
- Peter Taylor leads us through 1hr of yoga on and around a chair.
Melville Makers
- Third Monday of each month from 1pm-3:30pm
- No cost drop-in time to work on projects that you have started and are wanting to complete
- Good conversation, coffee, and maybe a dessert!
- Learn a new craft from other attendees
Birthday Lunch
- First Sunday of the month at 12 pm…after our church service
- August to June with July birthdays celebrated in June
- Join with our congregation to celebrate your birthday!
“Spirit, open my heart to the joy and pain of living. As you love may I love, in receiving and in giving, Spirit, open my heart.”
‘Spirit, Open My Heart’
by Ruth Duck, 1994