A place for community to worship

Century church deeply rooted in local history welcomes families to an active congregation building ties with our surrounding communities.

Sunday Services

Sundays 11am-12pm at Melville United Church now until June 23, 2024

Summer Services 10:30am-11:30am


24159 Nairn Road
Ivan, ON
N0M 2A0

Searching on a GPS? Use this address:
Melville United Church,
RR#1 Ilderton, ON


  • Recently updated with an elevator to all 3 levels
  • Washrooms are wheelchair accessible with change areas
  • Accessible parking

Upcoming Events

Many activities take place at our church…for you to enjoy

Campfire & Singalong

SAVE THE DATE…This is our special event for August. Come to our church parking lot on Wed. Aug. 28, 2024 to enjoy the evening together.

6pm – Hotdogs, chips and a drink
just drop a donation in the jar to help us achieve our goal for the Nano Bubbler Project.

6:45pm – Ingrid and Laura will sing us through popular campfire songs. There are a few special performers too!

Sounds like an enjoyable summer night!

Tell your friends and neighbours…everyone is welcome. Bring your own chair!

See you there!

Chicken BBQ

This is our major fundraiser for the year and takes place on September 7, 2024. It is organized by the Stewards of our church. Tickets can be purchased through members of the congregation or online starting on July 21.

Tickets can be purchased by contacting June Hale 519-666-2787.


eTransfer webmaster@ivanpastoralcharge.ca

Please type “BBQ” and your name in the comments.


Outreach Committee members are organizing a special fundraising concert on Saturday, Oct.26 at 7pm at Melville United Church. Proceeds to community outreach programs by our church. $30 in advance and $35 at the door.

Tickets can be purchased through

Please add your name and phone number in the eTransfer description.


Wednesday and Thursday mornings 9am-10:30am drop-in for floor yoga by Peter Taylor-$5/pp. It is a great time to stretch it out! Yoga will continue through the summer.

Melville Makers

The third Monday of the month (1pm-3:30pm) is a drop in time to complete crafting projects and chat. Building community around our beautiful church. This group will continue through the summer months.


First Monday of the month (except July & August) 7pm-9pm, women in our congregation get together and participate in interesting activities and support each other in their spiritual growth.

“Come touch our hearts that we may know compassion from failing embers build a blazing fire; love strong enough to overturn injustice, to seek a world more gracious, come
touch and bless our hearts.”

‘Come Touch Our Hearts’
By Gordon Light 2002

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