Our History
The history of our church is well documented and dates back to the late 1820s when Scottish Highlanders settled in Lobo Township. The first congregation was organized in 1849 and a small frame church was built a few miles east of the present site. In 1860, the little church was taken down, loaded onto wagons and moved west to the village of Inkerman (Ivan.) The congregation outgrew the building and in 1886 the present building was built.
Sunday School
We have an active Sunday School where children can come and learn the foundational stories of the Bible in a fun way, with crafts, stories, and snacks! As a congregation we are focused on creating a Sunday morning for all ages. Where children and adults can be in community together. The November offering is used to buy bed kits for Sleeping Children Around the World. They also conduct a Christmas service, plant flowers around the church funded by a Bake Sale and have a final year end Barbecue for the congregation in June.
Once a month we celebrate birthday lunch with food, birthday cake and fellowship.
United Church Women
Our UCW is evolving. While we continue to conduct monthly meetings in the church in the format that many older members are used to, we also have several meetings per year that are planned to interest the younger women in the congregation. This has proven to be a challenge but seems to be a successful policy so far. All the women of the church are very supportive whenever they are asked to contribute in some way to the group. We are twinned with Ailsa Craig United Church and share some of our meetings. There is a Catering Committee ready to supply funeral lunches or dinners for local events. We have an active Sunshine Committee that visit the sick and shut-ins of the church, remembering them with a small gift or card. This is a very important ministry. The annual spring clean-up day at the church also coincides with other activities such as the spring sale of pies and perennials that are donated by church members.
We held our thirteenth “No Room at the Inn” Tea Room” in November. This display of nativity sets gathered from church members and friends is the focus for a lunch which is enjoyed by many people who are participating in the several craft sales and tours that take place on that weekend. Church members donate everything and a free-will donation is accepted. As part of our 125th anniversary a quilt display with over 300 quilts for viewing filled the sanctuary. Proceeds go to support the Ailsa Craig Food Bank and other work of the church.
Outreach Group
The Outreach group is involved in the joint Food Grains Service and most recently are raising funds for a new daycare centre in Wattville, South Africa in a project known as Kare for Kids. Outreach also promotes weekly loose change offering “Koins for Kids” which is used to purchase juice and fruit for the daycare.
Although in good repair at present, it is an ongoing project for our dedicated board of stewards to maintain the old building. Their main fundraiser for the last twenty years has been a chicken barbecue and silent auction. All of the congregation is involved and it has proven to be a financial success. The trustees have been looking after the manse as it has been rented out for the past seventeen years.
Melville Groups
• assumes responsibility for spiritual well-being and direction for congregation
• prepares & serves Communion as part of their responsibility
• manage short-term finances, repair and maintenance of the church building & property
• organize fundraising in the form of the chicken BBQ
• assume responsibility for long-term investments
• supervise rental and maintenance of manse
Sunday School:
• offers pre-school to high school programs (six dedicated teachers)
• uses “Seasons of the Spirit” curriculum
• supports Sleeping Children Around the World with their November offering
• gives a bible to each child when he / she enters Grade 4
• buys and plants flowers around the church each year (funded by bake sale)
• organizes Angel Tree donations for congregation for White Gift Sunday
• plans and presents Christmas service; plans Halloween party
• celebrates end of school with a party
• organizes annual anniversary service (guest speaker, music, food, etc…)
• twins with Ailsa Craig U.C.W.
• provides funeral lunches & dinners for local events (catering committee)
• visits the sick & shut-ins of the church (Sunshine committee)
• organizes semi-annual pie-making sessions
• works with Stewards to organize spring cleaning as well as “Pies & Perennials” sale
• organizes “No Room at the Inn” Tea Room fundraiser for Ailsa Craig Food Bank
• organizes flower schedule for church services (for front of church)
• holds a community quilting bee for February meeting with lunch provided for quilters
• meets 10 times/year
• disperses funds to support various non-profit/mission organizations, annually
• holds annual Spring Tea for area U.C.W.
• holds Christmas dinner for all Melville church women
• organizes schedule of Sunday morning greeters
• arranges for speakers for special services — such as Sleeping Children Around the World
• supports food drive for Ailsa Craig Food Bank
• participates in Food Grains Project
• “Koins for Kimberley”
Organist & Choir:
• select music suitable to lectionary readings (talented / patient organist/choir leader)
• are a growing group of young & old who love to sing.